Behind Voice Assistants.

“Virtual assistant” or “voice assist”

All voice-control devices are driven by a software agent called a “virtual assistant” or “voice assistant.” When we speak certain words, a voice assistant can handle different kinds of tasks for us. Examples of these assistance are Google assist and Alexa. We often times love to have fun with our devices. We love to ask funny questions, interact with our devices, and ask our assistant for help with questions! Nearly every time we ask our assistant to help us we get a positive result. Years of development, trial and era, and companies teaching machines to learn has provided us with the luxury of having our devices respond, perform tasks, and remind us of things on our to do lists.

Need your living room lights turned on? Something added to your calendar? Or even for Alexa to sing you Happy Birthday? Thanks to voice assistants we can now be hands free. When data and the internet meet, we get access to this cutting-edge technology.

Why Do We Love Voice Assistants?

We are a society of people wanting to make our lives easy, simple, and complete tasks in the shortest time possible. We get anxious when our computer takes more than a few seconds to load a webpage, we grow tired of long lines, and we definitely can’t stand to have to wait for something we want. We love voice assistants because it provides us with not only immediate responses, but often times is correct and doesn’t make us wait. We can walk around our houses and multi-task just by asking our assistants to do what they were made for; to help us.

Convenience is what we all strive for. Voice assistants such as Alexa and Google are fast, cutting edge, and smart. Many people would even claim the ease of this technology has provided them with a better quality of life. I mean think about it, we don’t even have to get up to turn the lights on? Who wouldn’t want that! A smart home is a happy home.

Technology has become very personal and assistants can now learn our voices to better learn and understands our patterns in order to anticipate our needs. Artificial intelligence strives to learn and understand us in order to help us. We can model our devices around our lifestyles to better help us in our daily lives, routines, and maximize our limited time.

Alexa was released to the world partnered with Echo in late 2014 and was a true gift to us all. Alexa can now be paired to television sets, your vehicle, free standing Echo devices, as well as our smart homes. Did you know that Alexa was inspired by the Starship Enterprise on Star Trek? There is not only science behind her software, but also behind her name. It was a conscious decision to place an X in her name due to it being a sound that is recognized immediately.

Google assist supports hands-free calling, allowing for free calls in the United States and Canada and much more. Google Voice users can set Google Home with voice numbers to make personal and business calls. Google also implements “Visual Responses” which allows users to send answers, messages, and communicate via their Google Home softer via their mobile devices. Google Home doesn’t only turn off your lights, or play your favorite song. Google assist is literally a personal assistant in all senses of the word. Link your calendar to Google and never forget an appointment again!

They aren’t perfect…yet.

Lets face it, sometimes we feel that our assistants didn’t even listen to our commands. Ever ask for a “pizza place near me” and get results for everything but what you asked for? Us too.

Complex information

Being in the machine learning business, we know that our devices are only limited to what we teach them. It can get frustrating when Alexa, Google, or Siri aren’t quite sure how to answer your questions, however, these devices sure know much more than they did five years ago! Our advice is to be patient and let software, technology, and machine learning continue to teach our voice assistants.

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