Second Edition: For the easily distracted worker.

If you’re reading this second edition we’ve created for our audience you’ve probably been working at home for a while now! Our first blog consisted of awesome tips, but of course the longer we work at home, the more tricks we learn! Working from home has become so popular that as many as 74% of workers would chose to quit their jobs, or work from remote offices.

Working from home has become a big trend. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to work in the comfort of their own home? With new technologies and team platforms such as Slack, Skype, and cloud platforms, some jobs don’t really require being face to face anymore. Think about it… companies probably save hundreds of thousands by cutting overhead costs. Many times, in previous positions I would go days without seeing my boss and only communicate via e-mail! Why not do that work in the comfort of my own home?

When working from home, whether you are thinking of switching or have been working from home for quite some time, you’ll need to understand that working productively can be one of the most challenging hurdles to overcome.

Let’s work together to become productive remote workers while minimizing distractions.

1. Shower, get dressed, eat breakfast.

Remember how you used to get ready for your day when you would go to your office job? Continue with those patterns! I know what you’re thinking. “Doesn’t working at home mean working in your pajamas?” Well, no.

You’ve now made the transition of working in your favorite space, your home. You are surrounded by your comforts, your favorite things, and even your favorite people. Maintaining a schedule like what you were used to will help with your productivity!

2. Switch it up! Work at a coffee shop.

As much as we love our kids, pets and spouses we must take time for ourselves to focus and be productive. Working at a coffee shop allows for productivity and a change in scenery! This is important for the remote worker. Working in the place you go to relax (home) can really kill our creativity.

3. Large tasks.

Creating batches of tasks can maximize productivity. Do you have several e-mails, calls, or postings to create? Try batching tasks together to get large chucks of work done at the same time. Doing similar tasks at once will be much more productive as opposed to doing a couple e-mails a day. Clear out these large tasks first and create less mental distractions!

4. Personal cell phone detox.

Our best friend, yet our worst enemy… the cell phone. I think we would all be humbled if handed the facts of how much time we spend (waste) on our phones. Working at home makes our cell phone accessible to us 24/7. We aren’t putting our phones in our office drawers, lockers, or worrying if our co-workers will see us on our phones. We must hold ourselves accountable, which we all know is a little difficult to do. Checking social media can kill our production. Let’s be honest, do we only spend 2 minutes on our phone? No, before you know it 20 minutes have gone by. Turn it off, put it face down, and use it as a reward for your lunch break.

5. Background music.

This has been a huge game changer! Making the switch from watching television to listening to music on audiobooks has given a huge boost in productivity. T.V requires too much visual attention. It’s easy to stare at the screen for 5 minutes without even realizing it. Audiobooks are my personal favorite. I find it makes me more focused, as well as getting me caught up on all of the new books I’ve been meaning to read!

6. Large calendar/schedule.

Invest in a large dry erase board, or large desk calendar. Sometimes remote positions offer a huge flexibility in tasks, deadlines, and scheduling. Naturally, it’s easy to get behind, push things to the side, and not give certain tasks as much attention as you would in an office space where there are others who hold you accountable. Posting your schedule clearly will provide you with all your daily tasks, when you want to take a break, and even household tasks you’d like to complete on your short breaks.  

To-do lists allow you to maximize your time and prevent small tasks from slipping your mind. As much as we all love saving the worst task for last, try completely these daunting tasks first thing in the morning. This will allow you to have an easier rest of your day.

7. Avoid burnout.

Let’s face it… If you’re burned out it is incredibly easy to avoid tasks, get frustrated, and miss deadlines. Staring at your screen blankly isn’t productive. Don’t be scared to step away and take that 5-minute break. Remember, you have this luxury of working at home and stepping away when you need to. If you’re not making progress then it’s time to take care of yourself before continuing. Plan your week, your goals, and make time for your personal tasks in between the workday. Utilize these short breaks and by the time you’re done with work it will be time for ultimate relaxation.

8. Know what you are most distracted by.

We all have different distractions. Some of these tricks may not apply to you and that’s okay. We all work under different circumstances and have our own personal set of distractions. No matter what they are it’s important to know them and understand what can hinder your productivity levels.

For instance, if you can’t work in a messy environment then clean up a little before starting your work day. Even if you must clock in later than usual, it’s better to do so as opposed to being stressed and surrounded by distractions all day.

Working at home is an amazing opportunity that allows us to have time to ourselves and more time spent with loved ones. We get to utilize our time we’d spend commuting and instead do what we really want. Nevertheless, distractions are real, especially in your own home. Use these tips to your advantage and spend more productive time doing more of what you must do, so you can spend your free time doing what brings you joy.

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