New Year, New You!

New Year, New You!

It’s that time again… we’ve put on five pounds of holiday weight, spent a little more than we intended, and have a cluttered home from the holiday festivities. We’re starting to think of all of the things in our lives’ we are not satisfied with. The new year is a great time of year because we get to start over, start fresh, and set new intentions and goals. By the end of the year, we let our old resolutions slip and fall to the back burner of our priorities, but the important part is that we want to try again. We have grown, learned, and experienced events that make us into new people throughout the year, so let’s set new intentions and goals that will stick!

Did you know only around nine percent of us succeed at keeping and successfully conquering our New Year’s resolutions? We have good intentions, but sometimes life just gets in the way and we get too busy. Although it’s understandable why we can’t always execute our resolutions, is it possible we also may be setting our goals out of reach and being unrealistic? We often say we are cutting out all junk food, then by the end of the week there we are stuffing ourselves on the couch. Often our resolutions are complete opposite extremes of what we are doing now which is why it makes sense when they only last a short time. Instead of completely cutting out junk food we could make that goal more manageable by instead having one day where we allow for a good cheat meal.

Sticking to resolutions isn’t the easiest task, but it can be conquered. We just need to make resolutions that are more realistic for our individual lifestyle. We’re going to share some tips with you to have you excited for the New Year!

Think Smaller
As mentioned, a common theme I see between the people in my life is that our goals are too big! We get frustrated that we didn’t lose that 15 pounds in the first week, therefore, we don’t feel we are making progress and then we give up. Instead of big goals, we can set something called a big-picture goal, but to get to the big picture we need small, obtainable goals that are realistic in order to arrive at and meet our big picture. Starting January 1st, it wouldn’t be realistic to go to the gym two hours a day for seven days a week if you’ve never stepped into the gym before. Before you know it, you’ll be exhausted, tired, and defeated. Start small – go twice a week, then three times a week, then by the end of the month aim for four or five. Moderation is key.

Plans for Dealing with Obstacles
What’s keeping you from meeting your goals in the present moment? How can we get around those obstacles? Are we doing everything in our power to reach these goals? These are the most important questions we can ask ourselves because these are the things we have control over. Reaching our goals isn’t always about external issues such as finances, transportation, or lack of support that keeps us from reaching our goals. Many times, we can keep us from reaching our goals. Push yourself past your comfort levels and get out of your safe zone. Real growth comes when we are pushed passed our comfort level. Are you used to coming home and sitting on the couch? If so, challenge yourself to come home, get in gym clothes, and walk right back out the door and head to the gym. Give it a try. Mix up your daily routine to get out of your current rut.

Specific Goal Setting
How can we get to our results if we aren’t being specific? Being specific, but within reason is a huge key to success. Aim to lose one pound this week. If you set an obtainable goal and meet that goal by the end of the week, can you imagine how good and motivated you’ll feel when you step on the scale and see you have lost weight? The goals are to keep the ball rolling and keep the momentum up. It’s hard to do so when we set large goals and don’t meet them. The idea is to not get discouraged and to keep the positivity flowing. Is your goal to save to go on vacation this summer? Be specific with how much money you’ll need to save and every week towards that goal. Will you need to save $15 a week? Cut back on extra spending by bringing lunch to work one day a week.

Break down your goals into step by step actions that are obtainable. Is a goal of yours to be more social? This is a broad goal, but we can break it down further by making the goal “eat lunch with a friend once a week.” If your goal is to stop binge-watching Netflix, change that goal to only watching 3 episodes a week. Do you see how being specific makes our goals into tangible actions? Give it a try! Make 2020 the best year yet.

Get that gym membership, ease up on the binge-watching, and skip that drive-through dinner. Small steps throughout the year make it possible to meet your big-picture goal at the end of the year. We’re excited to watch you succeed!

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Budgeting for Holiday Travel

Can you believe Christmas is less than two weeks away? The holiday season can be heavy on the wallet. Between travel, gifts, parties, and pot lucks we understand that sometimes your preconceived budget can expand throughout the month. We’re going to share with you some travel times to help you save money when planning a last-minute vacation, or if you want to get ahead of your 2020 travel plans. Spending less on travel gives you a great opportunity to budget in more of that fun stuff while on vacation. You don’t need to win the lottery to enjoy some exotic travel plans.

Let’s get started!

Spontaneous traveling can be great, however, usually only if you have time and money readily available. When traveling on a tight budget our first tip is to come up with a plan and stick to it. You don’t need to break the bank to enjoy travel. You don’t need to have an hour-by-hour schedule that you stick to; however, you will need to have somewhat of a guideline to stick to avoid any unnecessary spending. For example, how many days do you want to spend in a certain location? What is the most cost-effective way of travel? Do I know which route I’m taking? You’d be surprised at how planning these questions out can save you money. Leave less to chance by avoiding as many last-minute adjustments and accommodations as possible.

Apps Are Your Friend:
With the rise of the internet, we no longer must flip through individual hotel and airline websites. Websites such as Expedia,, or Kayak make travel plans a breeze. These sites search hundreds upon hundreds of travel locations and give you the best deals and even bundles. You can even figure out your fuel costs for travel by using sites like Gasbuddy! Search Google, iTunes, or Google play for travel aids such as these.

Pack Snacks:
Long road trips mean packing enough snacks to hold you over. Fast-food can get expensive, especially with large families. I am a huge snack packer for all occasions not only for the price factor but for the health aspect as well. This trick also saves time on the road. Packing snacks means fewer pit stops. You’d be surprised how quickly food can cut through your travel budget. Give it a try and bring your own food along for the ride.

When traveling on a budget, there is one thing you’ll need to be good at… flexibility. Being flexible is important because odds are if you are trying to travel on a budget you may not get the dates, times and locations you prefer. Traveling before, or after the holidays is much cheaper, but also reduces stress greatly. Holiday traffic? No, thank you. Living in a close region to L.A, I know not to even try to get on a freeway on or near a holiday. These are minor adjustments we need to make to make the most out of our tight budgets.

Buy in Advance:
Flights can be so pricey. I always cringe at check-out when all the fees and taxes are added to my already expensive plane ticket. You want to book well in advance, especially return tickets. Going on vacation with no guaranteed return flight can be terrifying. You can book well in advance, even up to a year with some airlines! The sooner the better.

Did you know that the cheapest midweek travel prices are the lowest on a Tuesday? Premiums are usually added to weekend flights and busy travel dates. Another bonus of weekday travel is that you’ll probably encounter much shorter TSA wait times, easy parking, and breeze through the check-in process. Also, the business class is nice, but saving money is even nicer. Opt for the economy; odds are the price increase isn’t worth the benefits, especially if it’s a shorter trip. If you do have to fly on a weekend, you can cut costs by traveling light and not paying for a checked bag.

Shipping Christmas Gifts:
This is a trick I’ve used many times. It’s often cheaper to mail gifts rather than using your baggage space or renting a vehicle to transport gifts. Typically, around the holidays shipping deals start popping up such as free shipping, expedited shipping, or discounted shipping. Consider paying for gift wrapping through a company and having gifts shipped directly to the receiver as opposed to having it shipped to your house, wrapping, then paying to ship or transport.

The holidays can be stressful enough. The cost of holidays alone is enough to make anyone nervous and anxious. Traveling doesn’t need to be made harder than it already is, so implementing cost-effective tips and budget-friendly ideas can save you money as well as the unnecessary holiday stress. We’ve created several other blog postings for our audience to make this holiday season a breeze. Our other topics include minimizing holiday stress, handling grief during the holidays, as well as the best Christmas tech gifts for your loved ones. Be sure to head over to these other topics to ensure your holiday season a great one.

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Christmas Gifts: Tech Edition

It’s finally that time of year where we start receiving all our loved ones’ wish lists and Christmas lists. Gift-giving can become overwhelming and expensive. If you still have shopping to do (like most of us) then this blog is for you. We’ve compiled the trendiest tech items on the market right now, as well as including their prices. With Christmas about two weeks away, the pressure is on. Let’s review these last-minute Christmas gifts for the tech-savvy people in your life.

Amazon Kindle Oasis E-reader
Do you have a bookworm in mind who’s always reading? Kindle E-readers are perfect for on-the-go readers. This ultra-thin design is fantastic for traveling and is a better alternative than heavy, thick books. This design makes it easy to hold and able to fit in thin places. The high-resolution screen, water-resistant body, and the blue light control feature makes for the perfect gift for the bookworm in your life. For $250 on Amazon, this virtual library is a steal.

Apple iPhone 11 and 11 Pro
We all know that person who has the latest edition of Apple products. It’s not a matter of if they’re getting a new one, it’s a matter of when. Starting at $699 the iPhone 11 seems to be the go-to pick for new phone shoppers. The excellent battery life, 6-inch screen with both wide-angle and super-wide-angle makes for a beautiful phone. If you enjoy using your iPhone for photos, starting at $999 you can purchase the iPhone11 Pro which has a third lens for crisper, brighter photos. Both the regular and Pro have their unique camera tricks.

Google Pixelbook Go Chromebook
With so many laptops on the market, I wouldn’t even know where to begin when it comes to picking one out for someone else. However, the Pixelbook stands outs. The comfortable, quiet keyboard, bright touchscreen, 10 hours of battery, and at 2.3 pounds this laptop puts a new twist on the traditional laptops. It supports the latest Android apps, access to the Google Play store, and is a pro at web-based activities. It’s more expensive than a traditional Chromebook, but for a laptop that can go the whole day without charging I’d happily pay the $650 price tag.

Samsung Galaxy S10 Smartphone
Samsung is the leader in the industry when it comes to Android phones in 2019. At a $700 price point, the Galaxy S10 has it all. It comes equipped with a triple camera on the back, Android software, all-screen design as well as a fingerprint sensor to keep everyone out of your phone. We understand that the $700 price point may be out of budget. However, there is a smaller version for only $550! The S10e is a smaller version for those of you who aren’t a fan of these large phone designs. I prefer a smaller phone.

Apple Watch Series 5
The Apple Watch is an awesome gift for anyone. Whether it’s people new to the Apple world, or someone who has an older version of the Apple Watch, anyone would appreciate this gift. The Apple Watch is equipped with an always-on display, workout training, text messages, water resistance, a big screen, and a wide choice of bands to go along with it. There is a cheaper Series 3 for $199, but you’ll miss out on Series 5 benefits such as the EKG monitor. The current price point for the 5 is $399.

Roku Smart Soundbar
Personally speaking, a soundbar changes the experience of watching your favorite shows or movies. With the new release of Disney+, you’re going to want to watch all your favorite Disney movies with a soundbar. Roku makes boxes and sticks for steaming to your television, now they have created this awesome soundbar that has all our favorite technology built-in. Go cordless and invite a fresh new sound into your home for only $180!

Amazon Echo Studio Speaker

This impressive new item from Amazon seems to be taking center stage in the speaker community, especially for its price point which isn’t too far behind the Roku soundbar at $200. This speaker includes five directional speakers that can fill your living spaces with incredible sound and quality. With its built-in smart-home hub, it can support your smart lights as well as other items without the extra setup.

Apple AirPods Pro
The beloved AirPods, you either love them or hate them. For $249 this gift wouldn’t necessarily be a stocking stuffer item, more likely the center stage gift of Christmas. AirPods Pro is the enhanced version of the originals with its greatly improved comfort and sound quality and the ability to stay in your ears more securely. These noises canceling AirPods may even be the perfect gift to yourself for those times you want to use your selective hearing this holiday season!

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Managing Holiday Stress

Welcome to the beautiful holiday season that brings both unfiltered joy and a heap load of stress. This season is built upon good feelings and positivity, but often times it is the source of deep stress for many individuals. Oftentimes around the holidays it is not uncommon to hear family members, friends, or strangers in the retail stores talking about how stressed and overwhelmed individuals are leading up to the holidays. Why do we get so stressed out about a season that is suppose to be filled with laughter, joy, and togetherness?

Spreading Ourselves Too Thin

We are no stranger to knowing that the holiday season is often the season of too many overwhelming experiences. Too many stressing factors can really make us feel like we are spreading ourselves too thin. Even if they are fun activities it’s easy to feel like we are drowning in parties, social gatherings, expectation, and pleasing our peers with our gift giving skills. Too often holiday stress leaves us feeling drained, rather than joyful.

Over Indulgence

With excessive gift gifting, shopping trips, pot lucks, alcohol and holiday dinners, it truly is the season of excess. Overindulging in our calories and over indulging in our credit cards can feel great in the moment, but often lead to regret of what we ate or spent. The consequences can be hard to cope with. It’s too easy to over spend when you’re in the holiday spirit, wanting to get gifts for everyone, and putting on those now form-fitting jeans that were baggy on you before Thanksgiving. Last month’s joy can become this month’s dooming consequences. Don’t let carrying debt become your new holiday tradition.

Too Much of a Good Thing: Family

Yes, we all know it’s true. The people we love the most are often times the people who can drive us insane the easiest and fastest… family. Don’t get me wrong, family is the most wonderful, beautiful gift that many of us are fortunate to experience and something we are all guilty of taking advantage of. Overdosing on family and quality time can often lead to friction and unhealthy boundaries. We all need a breather; don’t feel guilty for taking a “time out” from the party, skipping the third family dinner of the week, or not staying longer than you’re comfortable with. Creating a healthy balance starts with you. If you have been assigned a role by your family, don’t be scared to break the expectation. Your family may depend on you for cooking the Christmas ham every year, but this year you may just be too tired. Communicate with your family if you can’t fulfill set expectations. Take care of yourself first.


What tradition and events are the most important to you? Do you have any that bring you the most positive impact? If you do, eliminate the tasks and activities that bring you more stress than happiness. If you don’t enjoy sending Christmas cards, give everyone of importance a call instead. If you just can’t make the flight to see extended family, let them know. Eliminate tasks that will leave you feeling tired and empty after the holidays. Find the few you really enjoy and pour yourself into them. You can’t pour from an empty cup, you can only give what you have within.

Eating Smart

Luckily, we can say that most holiday stress is extremely predictable and almost expected. Unlike many other negative attributes and factors in our lives, we know that once January 2nd comes around the holiday stress will nearly be over. However, when we overindulge with food, that’s a stressor that can stick with us for the next couple of months. Many traditions are tied up in delicious food, so it’s understandable why that extra holiday weight latches onto the best of us. In addition to tradition, the emotional stress alone can drive us to indulge in our most unhealthy eating habits. Plan ahead this year! Be aware of your triggers, keep some healthy snacks, practice mindful eating, and portion the unhealthy indulgences.


Remember that we said earlier that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Be aware of your boundaries and limitations when it comes to what’s expected of you. You’re allowed to limit the amount of social engagements you attend or throw. You are also allowed to limit the amount of time you spend at these engagements. Wouldn’t it be great if you could experience family, friends, and the joyous holiday without feeling drained?

If you’re coping with loss or loneliness, consider reading our Grief During the Holidays blog to learn how to deal with expectations. In addition to this, if you’re experiencing loneliness but are wanting to avoid the expectations, consider inviting friends and family into your own home to avoid the stressors of venturing out.


Pull out that old pen and paper and ditch the digital list. Have something tangible to write your plans and schedule down on that you can refer to. Holidays can be go-go-go and it’s easy to have plans fall to the wayside, or forget the date of your work’s potluck. Write important dates, names of those who you still need to buy gifts for, and a grocery shopping list (don’t forget your healthy snacks). Creating a schedule will also show you if you’re stretching yourself too thin. It can really put things into perspective when you have your schedule in your face. Maybe ditch one of your twelve holiday parties and plan a coffee date with yourself.


No brainer, right? Sometimes it’s too easy to forget this part. At the end of the day its about love and joy. If you aren’t feeling happy then it’s time to change the factors involved. We shouldn’t be spending months recouping from the holiday season. Take 20 minutes to sit by yourself once you start feeling overwhelmed, and reflect on the factors that are making you feel this way. Reduce your negative feelings surrounding the holidays. Recenter and focus on the joy that surrounds you.

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Introduction to Machine Learning

What is Machine Learning?

We’ve all shopped online, right? While checking on products, have you noticed how suddenly all of your recommendations are now centered around what you were searching for? Or the famous “frequently bought together” suggestions. Is it a common coincidence? No, it’s machine learning.

Do you ever get phone calls from insurance agencies, banks, or loan companies trying to get your business? They don’t just call everyone in your city. They only call very specific people because they think you will be a customer. This is a calculated and specific move gauged by target marketing. Machine learning allows for this easy process. Can you imagine how long this would take to create a call list without machine learning?

So let’s talk about what Machine Learning actually is. Officially, Machine Learning is defined as a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on machine learning based on predictions based on experience. This allows for our devices (computers, machines, data-driven applications) to make thoughtful decision based on facts and experience opposed to making random selections without a theme. Essentially, machine learning allows for a device to carry out a certain task with little instruction. Over time through learning more patterns, data, and predictions these algorithms and these processes improve.

The Growth of Machine Learning

In recent years we are living in an environment where humans and machines work side by side. Like humans, machines also evolve, learn, and apply what they know to make better, more thoughtful decisions. We are only in the beginning stages of machine evolutions which means there is much more to learn. However, for being in the primitive age we are already progressing beyond what we even imagined.

How Does it Work?

Training data sets are used to create a model from Machine Learning algorithms. Then when new data is introduced into the model, it is able to estimate or predict a next move based upon that algorithm. The estimation or prediction is then evaluated based upon its relevance and accuracy. A Machine Learning algorithm is then created if accepted. If it is not determined to be valid or acceptable, it will train over and over with new data sets until the system is satisfied with the predictions.

Although there are many factors and steps involved in this complex system, this is a simplified version.

Supervised Learning.

Supervised Learning is the type of Machine Learning where you can consider the learning as guided by a teacher. We have a data set which acts as a teacher and its role is to train the model or the machine. Once the model gets trained it can start making a prediction or decision when new data is given to it.

The model learns through observation and finds structures in the data. Once the model is given a data set, it automatically finds patterns and relationships in the data set to match the patterns and structures it learned.

Real Life Examples of Machine Learning.

Image recognition is one of the most common uses of machine learning. There are many situations where you can classify the object as a digital image. For example, in the case of a black and white image, the intensity of each pixel serves as one of the measurements.

Speech recognition is the translation of spoken words into text. It is also known as computer speech recognition or automatic speech recognition. Here, a software application can recognize the words spoken in an audio clip or file, and then subsequently convert the audio into a text file.

Financial Services: Machine learning has a lot of potential in the financial and banking sector. It is the driving force behind the popularity of financial services. Machine learning can help the banks and financial institutions to make smarter decisions. Machine learning can help financial services to spot an account closure before it occurs. 

Prediction: Machine learning can also be used in prediction systems. Consider a loan example; to compute the probability of a fault, the system will need to classify the available data in groups. It is defined by a set of rules prescribed by the analysts. Once the classification is done, we can calculate the probability of the fault. 

Learning associations
is the process of developing insights into the various associations between the products. A good example is how unrelated products can be associated with one another. One of the applications of machine learning is studying the associations between the products that people buy. If a person buys a product, he will be shown similar products because there is a relation between the two products.

Machine Learning is on the rise! Stay tuned for more ML and AI blogs.

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Student Discounts!

Where to Get Student Discounts: 

Being broke in college is never fun. Luckily, nowadays we can take the edge off of feeling like a broke college student. Student discounts are one of the best advantages of pursuing education. There is a great app called Unidays every college student should have on their phones. Unidays doesn’t just tell you what perks you can be taking advantage of, but it also gives you codes to use if you prefer shopping online (don’t we all). Being a college student doesn’t need to be any more difficult than it already is. We have enough stressors in the present moment without having to stress over our finances. So, let’s take the edge off! Make sure you always bring your student ID with you everywhere. Movies, restaurants, banks, grocery stores and retail stores are just a couple places where you can get discounts.

Being a college student myself, I know how hard it is. Classwork, jobs, family, friends, and hobbies? Who has time for ALL of those? Whether you’re stuck on which decision, which courses, or which path you’re going to take, I find that all of life’s decisions are a little easier to handle when you are not pinching pennies, you can eat a good meal and aren’t having to tell your friends you can’t go out because you can’t afford it. Saving a few bucks here and there really adds up and can definitely help to ease the mind during an already stressful time in our lives.


Let me tell you something… Headspace changed my life. I owe my newfound patience, easy going attitude, and my increased progress in being able to handle issues more calmly and rationally to my dedication to Headspace. Some of the benefits to being a Headspace user include, learn to stress less, focus more and be happier, prepare for exams, presentations and more with custom exercises and a personal guide to health and happiness right in your pocket. How could you resist?  

However, the most important part is it is usually a $95.88 per year membership. For students you get a whole year for $9.99. That’s nearly a $90 saving just for being a student. I’m telling you being a student is awesome sometimes! 


Yes, this already affordable store offers a student discount. Ask a cashier at your local Goodwill what they offer, because it varies from store to store. Some stores only offer it certain days of the week, others will just take off sales tax. Either way, this will make those hidden treasures even better. 


Half priced binge watching? Yes, please! $4.99 a month of Spotify Premium and get Hulu for free. When it comes to free time during school, don’t compromise entertainment — you don’t get a lot of it. This hands down is one of the best discounts I’ve seen in my student discount research. I can’t believe they even allow this! Take advantage of it. You never know when it will end.

 Here are some other streaming services that offer discounts: 

  • Apple Music 
  • Audible 
  • Fanatics 

Buffalo Wild Wings 

Buffalo Wild Wings is not only the place to be to watch the game, but they also offer a student discount. At participating locations, they offer a 10% off discount with your student ID. Here are some other restaurants that may offer 10% off your bill: 

  • Dairy Queen 
  • Waffle House 
  • Arby’s 
  • Burger King 

Don’t pay full price when you don’t have to. Take advantage of these discounts for your wardrobe, home decor, dinner and self-care. School may be hard, but saving money doesn’t have to be. 


Using your student ID, you can save 30% on documents and 20% on shipping services with FedEx Office. 


On Amazon, students can get free two-day shipping for six months, plus discounted Prime and other deals. 

Apple Store:

Apple offers education pricing for students, with up to $200 off a new Mac. Even students who have been accepted to college are eligible. 


The Sprint Discount Program is available through many colleges and universities. Just enter your school email address on Sprint’s website to find out if you’re eligible. 


Visit participating Subway locations to get 10% off your total purchase with a valid student ID. 

Burger King:

Use your valid student ID to get 10% off your Burger King purchase. 

Chick Fil a:

At many Chick-fil-A locations, you can get a free drink with your valid student ID. 


At select Kroger grocery stores, students can get a 5% discount on food. 

Firehouse Subs:

Does your school have a partnership with Firehouse Subs? Check in with your local sub shop to find out. You may get 10% off.

Waffle House:

Enjoy your coffee and waffles at a discount, thanks to Waffle House’s 10% off discount. 

Dairy Queen:

Visit your local Dairy Queen location to find out about special Student Meal Deals. 

Sweet Tomatoes:

Fill your plate with healthy salad buffet fare at Sweet Tomatoes for 10% off, available at many locations. 


Most Chipotle locations will offer a free drink with purchase when you show your student ID. 

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Behind Voice Assistants.

“Virtual assistant” or “voice assist”

All voice-control devices are driven by a software agent called a “virtual assistant” or “voice assistant.” When we speak certain words, a voice assistant can handle different kinds of tasks for us. Examples of these assistance are Google assist and Alexa. We often times love to have fun with our devices. We love to ask funny questions, interact with our devices, and ask our assistant for help with questions! Nearly every time we ask our assistant to help us we get a positive result. Years of development, trial and era, and companies teaching machines to learn has provided us with the luxury of having our devices respond, perform tasks, and remind us of things on our to do lists.

Need your living room lights turned on? Something added to your calendar? Or even for Alexa to sing you Happy Birthday? Thanks to voice assistants we can now be hands free. When data and the internet meet, we get access to this cutting-edge technology.

Why Do We Love Voice Assistants?

We are a society of people wanting to make our lives easy, simple, and complete tasks in the shortest time possible. We get anxious when our computer takes more than a few seconds to load a webpage, we grow tired of long lines, and we definitely can’t stand to have to wait for something we want. We love voice assistants because it provides us with not only immediate responses, but often times is correct and doesn’t make us wait. We can walk around our houses and multi-task just by asking our assistants to do what they were made for; to help us.

Convenience is what we all strive for. Voice assistants such as Alexa and Google are fast, cutting edge, and smart. Many people would even claim the ease of this technology has provided them with a better quality of life. I mean think about it, we don’t even have to get up to turn the lights on? Who wouldn’t want that! A smart home is a happy home.

Technology has become very personal and assistants can now learn our voices to better learn and understands our patterns in order to anticipate our needs. Artificial intelligence strives to learn and understand us in order to help us. We can model our devices around our lifestyles to better help us in our daily lives, routines, and maximize our limited time.

Alexa was released to the world partnered with Echo in late 2014 and was a true gift to us all. Alexa can now be paired to television sets, your vehicle, free standing Echo devices, as well as our smart homes. Did you know that Alexa was inspired by the Starship Enterprise on Star Trek? There is not only science behind her software, but also behind her name. It was a conscious decision to place an X in her name due to it being a sound that is recognized immediately.

Google assist supports hands-free calling, allowing for free calls in the United States and Canada and much more. Google Voice users can set Google Home with voice numbers to make personal and business calls. Google also implements “Visual Responses” which allows users to send answers, messages, and communicate via their Google Home softer via their mobile devices. Google Home doesn’t only turn off your lights, or play your favorite song. Google assist is literally a personal assistant in all senses of the word. Link your calendar to Google and never forget an appointment again!

They aren’t perfect…yet.

Lets face it, sometimes we feel that our assistants didn’t even listen to our commands. Ever ask for a “pizza place near me” and get results for everything but what you asked for? Us too.

Complex information

Being in the machine learning business, we know that our devices are only limited to what we teach them. It can get frustrating when Alexa, Google, or Siri aren’t quite sure how to answer your questions, however, these devices sure know much more than they did five years ago! Our advice is to be patient and let software, technology, and machine learning continue to teach our voice assistants.

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Making Friends Online Safely

Safety First. 

Welcome to the end of 2019 where most interactions are made online. We spend the majority of our time on the internet, so why not make friends there? If you’re not too invested in the web like the majority of us you may think making friends online is still as sketchy, scary, and unsafe as it was in the early 2000’s. Although not every situation is safe, making friends online has become the new normal and many millennials would shudder at the idea of making friends in person. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and friend matching sites such as Bumble have changed the way we interact forever. Typically, we aren’t looking for friends in bookstores, coffee shops, or local classes anymore. We are meeting in online chatrooms with people who share the same interests as we do as opposed to meeting in a class, we find pages we like on Instagram instead of saying “hey, cute outfit!’’ in person, and send DM’s instead of letters. We are a technologically advanced society now whose priorities have shifted, free time seems to diminish, and more and more of us are not wanting to leave our homes to make friends.

Fortunately, due to technology and social media we can still be socially active and make friends, if not more friends than before the rise of social media. Social media and friend finding platforms, can be scary at times. However, with the right level of awareness and safety, we are able to make friends clear across the world without having to travel, wait weeks for snail-mail, or leave our homes. Online friend connections are real and can still thrive just as any face-to-face friendship would. However, with this reward comes the responsibility of practicing safety while on the internet.  

Google is Your Friend: Just met someone awesome online? Do a little investigative work. Learn the difference between what poses as a fake account and what is legitimate. Odds are there will be childhood friends, dated photos, older postings. Was everything added in a weeks’ time? Red flag. Has this person been posting photos of themselves for a few years? More believable. Don’t feel guilty for image searching or Googling this person’s name. The internet can be scary and your safety comes above all else. Look for consistency across their channels, friends they’ve had for years, and photos that seem legitimate. You’d be surprised by the amount of information you can find just by doing a quick sweep through Google and their social media channels.

Have a Gut Feeling? Always follow your gut. The internet is a large, and sometimes scary place. There are plenty of friends to be made, so denying a couple of requests that you aren’t feeling great about won’t hurt anyone. Following intuition and instincts is something you’ll need to practice. Making friends online is great, but with that comes the lack of face-to-face interactions and being able to use our instinctual human qualities to decipher between what is truth and what is not. Not being able to watch someone’s facial expressions is a hard adjustment when speaking through monotone texts and DM’s. Pay attention to any negative feelings someone brings about within you.  

Let’s Start Making Friends! 

Friendships take time, trust, and nurturing to grow, and online friends are no exception. Just like making friends in person, you have to get out there and start somewhere. Making friends online can be a huge lifesaver to those who may live in rural areas, are new to cities, or have social anxiety. If the internet has taught us anything, it is that we can sit behind a screen and let our true selves shine. We can express our confidence, our creativity, and have a space to be ourselves.  

Find chatgroups of topics, hobbies, and things you are interested in. This can allow for the ice to break quicker when you can speak with like-minded individuals who share your hobbies and interests. Find people you’d want to be friends with, not just people to talk to because you are bored. Doing so will not result in friendship, just temporary conversations.  

If you’re looking to meet people in person but are wanting to use the internet as a gateway, start researching apps such as Meet-Up, Eventbrite, or Bumble to find local events! These are events that are put on by an organization and are usually conducted within a public environment. This is great for individuals who are skeptical about meeting strangers! These are events that are put on by an organization and are usually conducted within a public environment. These kinds of apps provide an environment to meet new friends in a public setting, and odds are you have a lot in common if you are attending the same event! 

If you have been speaking with someone for a while and are wanting to meet in person keep these tips in mind. 

Time: Have you been speaking for a substantial amount of time? If not, maybe wait a little longer. You want to know an individual, or at least their intentions, before opening that door to real-world meet-ups. Not everyone on the internet has bad intentions, but unfortunately, we have to look out for those who do. Time will show you a person’s true intentions! 

Location: We can’t stress enough that meeting in public is very important for your first meeting. Remember, you’ve only spoken with them online and everyone can put on a face. Meeting in public eliminates many risks and secures your safety!  

The internet is amazing! We definitely think so. However, it’s also a scary place. The rise of the internet has provided us all with opportunities to meet people we never would of met years back. We can go specifically find groups of people who are interested in the same things we are. We can find belonging, community, and friendship. Use these tips to help eliminate risk and safely meet friends online! 

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Get the Most Out of Your Mornings!

How to Get the Most Out of Your Mornings    

We get it, mornings are rough. We have the same passing thought of “how bad do I really need this check?” Mornings don’t have to be so dreadful. Developing habits and a morning routine has been proven to boost productivity. We are all different; therefore, it may take us each a different amount of time to find the perfect routine to fit our lives. However, the effort we put in will dictate how our mornings start to change and how different we begin to view mornings.

For those of us who work at home, it’s very difficult to create boundaries for yourself from being in “work mode” and “home mode.” There seems to be a fine line that can very easily be crossed. When we aren’t required to go into office it’s easy to stay in bed longer, stay in our pajamas, and not be as motivated to get up and be productive.

Prepare the night before  

A productive morning can begin the night before. Getting organized and ready for the day can take a lot of your time away in the morning. It can be helpful to start this process the night before. It doesn’t hurt to try to make your morning easier. Are there any tasks you can prep for after you complete your work day? You’d be surprised how a few small tasks can help you to be more productive for the following morning. Simple ideas could include laying out your clothes for the next day, prepping your desk and work areas, or making sure all of your devices are charged and ready to go. You’ll be happy you did in the morning!


Sleep and productivity go hand and hand. Let’s be honest, we all can feel the difference throughout the whole day from a bad sleep the night before. We struggle, we’re tired, and we have trouble concentrating. Sleep is key. We want to set ourselves up for success every day, however, when we get a rough night of sleep, or aren’t prioritizing sleep, we set ourselves up for failure and a huge struggle the next day. We can start by putting our phones out of arms reach. Our phones can be very distracting, as we all tend to pick up our devices if we aren’t able to sleep. Ever get lost for 2 hours on social media before bed? Us too, don’t worry. Slide your phone under your bed, put it in your night stand, or even leave it somewhere outside of the room. Out of sight, out of mind! We are much more likely to leave our phones alone if we have to get up from our comfortable beds to get it. Sleep gives us a fresh start every day, so let’s take advantage of it!

Give yourself time every morning 

We suggest you wake up early enough to have some time to yourself in the morning, but not so early that you feel like you are struggling the rest of the day. Just give yourself an extra 30 minutes each morning. The goal is to avoid waking up and having to get right to work, or grab your phone and begin checking emails. Give yourself that extra 30! Stretch, grab some coffee, sit outside! We want to set the tone for the day in order to be productive. We want to fuel our bodies in order to get the most out of ourselves to do our best every day. Moving in the morning will be a great start to your day and will help to wake up your body. Waking up your body will help with waking up your mind. Get some fresh air in the morning, or go for a walk. A little self-care never hurt anyone! 

Don’t procrastinate  

Dreading a task you have to do today? Do it now. Procrastination of our difficult projects can throw our whole day off. Don’t spend your whole day worrying about these difficult tasks you have to finish. It may seem a little crazy to do your most difficult task in the morning, especially if it’s a Monday morning! However, we can really get caught up, tired, distracted, or really anxious about difficult tasks we put off. So, the idea is to muscle through the difficult tasks so that it can be smooth sailing the rest of our work day. Many times, we lose momentum during our work day, so we want a fresh and clear mind when it comes to the high priority and time-sensitive tasks at hand. Producing good quality work is always a confidence boost.  

Mornings can be rough, unless you are one of those rare individuals who loves the early mornings. For the rest of us, however, developing a new morning routine when we are so set in our ways can take time, adjustment, and some commitment.  The payoff though, is worth it. Giving yourself time every morning to actually wake up, as opposed to grabbing your electronics and getting started with your day will show to be helpful in your overall productivity level. For those of us who work at home, get out of the house. Personally, days go by much slower when I sit at my desk all day. Take a break, go for a walk, swap out that breakfast burrito for some brain food and have a productive morning.  

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Working from Home Stay at Home Parents.

Stay at home moms, we all know one or you might be one. Earlier this year a survey was conducted by about the value of what a mother’s work would be worth by tracking the various jobs moms perform day to day. The median annual salary for stay at home moms in 2019 climbed up $15,620.00 (increasing 9.6% from 2018) making the total $178,201.00 per year for a stay at home mom.

Mothering is being considered a hybrid role that includes careers like academic advisor, laundry manager, senior janitor, staff nurse, and photographer. Sounds about right. The combination of roles equals an annual salary of $178,201.00! If only that salary could be a reality, right? It’s clear that SAHMs do an indispensable job. Deep down all stay-at-home moms know how important the job of being a mom is, even if it’s often thankless. It helps to know that we’re killing it when it comes to what kind of money we could making even if it will never be a reality.

In addition to stay-at-home-moms, stay-at-home-dads are on the rise also! More dads are staying home to care for their kids. The number of fathers who are stay-at-home dads has risen from 4% in 1989 to 7% in 2016 according to a study conducted by Pew Research Center. As a result, dads made up 17% of all stay-at-home parents in 2016, up from 10% in 1989. Woohoo go Dads! Among Millennials (those ages 20 to 35 in 2016), 6% of dads were at home with their kids while mom was in the office working. 3% of Gen X dads were at home with their kids when they were the same age.

Among stay-at-home dads, it’s becoming more common to be home specifically to care for your family. In 2016, 24% of stay-at-home dads reported that this was the main reason they were staying home. This number is up from just 4% in 1989. One in 5 United States moms and dads are stay at home parents.

Being a stay at home parent offers many pros and cons.

You’re always there for your children

  • Pro:  You will always be there when your child needs you.
  • Con: Always being there can sometimes make you feel like you’re trapped. You may love being a stay-at-home parent, but there will be times when you will want some me time.
  • Balance Tip: Your mental and physical health depends on getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and just plain relaxing. Try to find a good balance for yourself and your family.

You’re never alone

  • Pro: You’ll have more control over your family’s routine as a stay-at-home parent. You won’t have to worry about getting called in early to work or having to stay late to finish your work tasks. Your routine will tend to be the same from week to week as a stay-at-home parent.
  • Con: Routine can often get boring fast. Your days will be planned out so well that you can easily feel like you’re in a rut.
  • Balance Tip: You and your children can benefit by adding variety, such as visits to parks, museums, splash pads (in the summer), or spending time with nearby relatives or friends. If you don’t know where you can fit it in, look into streamlining your schedule.

You have a more consistent routine

  • Pro: Your children are with you every hour of the day. You’re there for everything—first steps, first words, first smile, etc.
  • Con: You never get a moment to yourself till your kiddos go to bed—you’re lucky if you can even escape to the bathroom alone.
  • Balance Tip: Even with your kids, you need to set some personal boundaries. It is okay to establish limits and let them know what they are.

You experience different stress levels

  • Pro: If you love every aspect of parenting your child and can even smile on the inside when your toddler is doing something they shouldn’t be. Your stress levels will probably be much lower than if you were having to raise your family while working outside the home.
  • Con: Kids can be more than a handful with whining, coloring your walls, fighting, and misbehavior.
  • Balance Tip: When you are feeling stressed, use stress-management practices such as breathing exercises, quiet time, or meditation. You can also teach these to your children so they learn to manage their stress levels at a young age. This will help them when they reach an age where stress starts to factor into their lives.

Stay at home parents benefit older kids also, not just the younger ones. Recently a study found that the benefits of having a parent staying home extended beyond the early years of a child’s life. During the study, the educational performance of 68,000 children was measured. They found an increase in school performance all the way to high school-aged children. The biggest educational impact in their research was found on children ages 6-7. According to Pew Research Center’s Social and Demographic Trends, 60 percent of Americans say a child is better off with at least one stay at home parent in the home. 35 percent said kids are just as well off with both parents working outside the home.

I am proud to be able to work for a company such as KarmaHub which offers me the stability of a career in a field I love. Working for KarmaHub has given myself and my husband the opportunity to see all our children’s firsts, go to school events, more family vacations, and we now spend more time as a family on a daily basis while working from the comfort of our own home.

At KarmaHub we offer everyone the opportunity to be able to work from home with flexibility so you don’t miss out on all the firsts or school events. A lot of companies don’t allow for children to be in the same room while they’re working but here at KarmaHub your children are allowed to be sitting right next to you as you’re doing your daily work. KarmaHub is expanding rapidly, helping stay at home parents be able to provide for their family while working in the comfort of their own home. We are now offering positions in the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, and France.

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