AI in the Workplace

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term that ignites excitement and fear in the masses. Many are worried that robots will populate the workforce and take our existing jobs. While this projection may be true since it’s already taking place — the transition doesn’t have to be scary for AI in the workplace.

Job Improvement:

Although many believe AI will take over all jobs, positions, and opportunity, humans will still have a dominant workforce presence in this era of digital transformation. AI may take some of the jobs currently performed by humans, but AI will also create scores of new jobs and transform the ones we currently have.

The change is happening at a rapid pace, so it’s best to embrace AI and its many benefits surrounding productivity and economic growth.

Eliminate Repetitive, Manual Processes with Automation:

Think about how much time is wasted on repetitive processes that could be performed with automation. AI automates processes by repeating tasks, like those executed in each workstation of a manufacturer’s production line, traditionally driven by humans. The software starts to identify patterns and creates an algorithm that accomplishes routine tasks much quicker. By automating many of the physical and redundant processes performed by your workforce, you can allocate more time, resources, and brainpower to larger endeavors like sales strategy and customer satisfaction.


You can save a lot of time by utilizing Chatbots! A Chatbot is a service, powered by pre-programmed rules and sometimes AI, that you interact with through a chat interface. Chatbots have been around for years, but they’ve had a recent boom with the rise of AI and the Internet of Things (IoT). These easy-to-use tools are incredibly useful in the workplace since they allow for instant communication, ergo faster decision-making.

AI Chatbots are incredible smart and only improve over time and learn better answers to frequently asked questions, freeing up time for management to focus on more strategic tasks. These virtual robots are an effective, scalable way to bridge the communication gap between employees and management and make internal information easily accessible. This is an incredible way to use AI for improved productivity. This is a great way to detect issues within the organization before they arise and address them accordingly.

Not only does AI increase productivity, it also improves overall quality. With any job, human-error is always a factor, whereas AI software is less likely to malfunction. It also enables deeper personalization by understanding what customers want over time, resulting in better quality products and services.

AI transforming HR:

Who ever thought you could use AI to do a better job of matching candidates to jobs? They use tools to track the types of credentials, qualities, and experiences that both employers and employees are looking for, then they use that data to recommend ideal matches. AI provides managers with tools that help them measure employee performance, select the right candidate for promotion, or identify inclusion issues. This is a fantastic way to create algorithms to match the perfect candidate with the available positions. No more time wasting with candidates who don’t align with your company!

AI in Data and Analytics:

It’s hard to run a competitive business today without data. Can you imagine how far you’d be behind the competition? But even massive amounts of data are useless without a way to transform that data into valuable insights. That’s typically why you’d want to hire a data scientist. AI helps companies make use of their data even without a data scientist on staff. There are websites to help you compile and utilize this data.

Domo centralizes all company data on the cloud. It consolidates data from a variety of sources so that it’s available to everyone in a central, searchable source. AI capabilities allow Domo’s customers to identify important changes and patterns in the data and even predict key business metrics.

ThoughtSpot uses AI to scan through data and extract important insights just like a data scientist would do. With just a few clicks, even non-technical users can isolate trends, segment data, uncover anomalies, and create detailed reports.

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Introduction to Machine Learning

What is Machine Learning?

We’ve all shopped online, right? While checking on products, have you noticed how suddenly all of your recommendations are now centered around what you were searching for? Or the famous “frequently bought together” suggestions. Is it a common coincidence? No, it’s machine learning.

Do you ever get phone calls from insurance agencies, banks, or loan companies trying to get your business? They don’t just call everyone in your city. They only call very specific people because they think you will be a customer. This is a calculated and specific move gauged by target marketing. Machine learning allows for this easy process. Can you imagine how long this would take to create a call list without machine learning?

So let’s talk about what Machine Learning actually is. Officially, Machine Learning is defined as a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on machine learning based on predictions based on experience. This allows for our devices (computers, machines, data-driven applications) to make thoughtful decision based on facts and experience opposed to making random selections without a theme. Essentially, machine learning allows for a device to carry out a certain task with little instruction. Over time through learning more patterns, data, and predictions these algorithms and these processes improve.

The Growth of Machine Learning

In recent years we are living in an environment where humans and machines work side by side. Like humans, machines also evolve, learn, and apply what they know to make better, more thoughtful decisions. We are only in the beginning stages of machine evolutions which means there is much more to learn. However, for being in the primitive age we are already progressing beyond what we even imagined.

How Does it Work?

Training data sets are used to create a model from Machine Learning algorithms. Then when new data is introduced into the model, it is able to estimate or predict a next move based upon that algorithm. The estimation or prediction is then evaluated based upon its relevance and accuracy. A Machine Learning algorithm is then created if accepted. If it is not determined to be valid or acceptable, it will train over and over with new data sets until the system is satisfied with the predictions.

Although there are many factors and steps involved in this complex system, this is a simplified version.

Supervised Learning.

Supervised Learning is the type of Machine Learning where you can consider the learning as guided by a teacher. We have a data set which acts as a teacher and its role is to train the model or the machine. Once the model gets trained it can start making a prediction or decision when new data is given to it.

The model learns through observation and finds structures in the data. Once the model is given a data set, it automatically finds patterns and relationships in the data set to match the patterns and structures it learned.

Real Life Examples of Machine Learning.

Image recognition is one of the most common uses of machine learning. There are many situations where you can classify the object as a digital image. For example, in the case of a black and white image, the intensity of each pixel serves as one of the measurements.

Speech recognition is the translation of spoken words into text. It is also known as computer speech recognition or automatic speech recognition. Here, a software application can recognize the words spoken in an audio clip or file, and then subsequently convert the audio into a text file.

Financial Services: Machine learning has a lot of potential in the financial and banking sector. It is the driving force behind the popularity of financial services. Machine learning can help the banks and financial institutions to make smarter decisions. Machine learning can help financial services to spot an account closure before it occurs. 

Prediction: Machine learning can also be used in prediction systems. Consider a loan example; to compute the probability of a fault, the system will need to classify the available data in groups. It is defined by a set of rules prescribed by the analysts. Once the classification is done, we can calculate the probability of the fault. 

Learning associations
is the process of developing insights into the various associations between the products. A good example is how unrelated products can be associated with one another. One of the applications of machine learning is studying the associations between the products that people buy. If a person buys a product, he will be shown similar products because there is a relation between the two products.

Machine Learning is on the rise! Stay tuned for more ML and AI blogs.

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Minimizing Distractions: Student Edition

College is awesome, right? Well, sometimes. We understand the stressors and fears that come along with these new challenges. Studying can really give you the extra edge over your peers. However, being around all of your distractions in your home while studying can also be your brain’s worst enemy. We aren’t even required to leave our bed to study. How awesome is that? However, it’s probably best that we do. Working at home on classwork or even taking online classes is a modern-day game changer for most individuals. We are provided immense flexibility, we save big on transportation, as well as those morning coffee stops and lunchtime take out trips, and we get to spend more time with our loved ones at home. These are huge benefits for a remote student, but we are faced with all of our homey comforts. We never truly know our distractions until we are working remotely in our homes. Distractions take many forms and sometimes we aren’t aware of how great we are at finding them until we start to hit that post-lunch energy dip. We get it, school isn’t always exciting, nor does it get your adrenaline pumping. When we hit these slumps, it’s too easy to turn on the Television, work in bed and get comfy, or mindlessly scroll through social media. There are distractions that we cannot control. Many remote students are in these positions because they are stay at home moms and dads. This alone can present a whole new level of challenges to navigate through. Environments that are busy and loud make it difficult to concentrate even for the most dedicated, focused worker.

We don’t expect all of your distractions to go away, but we do want to help the remote community work effectively while still working comfortably.       

Creating a Home Study Space 

Whether you already a remote student or are getting tips for future courses our first tip is making the investment. Creating your own working space not only makes you still feel professional while working at home, but you saves you from the immense willpower needed to work where you sleep. Making an investment doesn’t have to be expensive. Is there a corner in your home you can rearrange and create your own home office? Keep it simple. Visiting local secondhand shops can be an awesome alternative to investing in a brand-new desk. The idea is to create a simple, organized environment in order for you to work comfortably while minimizing distractions. If possible, try to find a room that isn’t a common living area where you will have a lot of traffic. Try finding a room with its own door, it will really help! In creating a home office, we wouldn’t recommend an uncomfortable chair. For example, try not to use a bar stool or uncomfortable kitchen chair. If you are willing to spend the extra dollar, spend it on a comfortable chair to give you support throughout the day. Remember, the intention is to try our best to avoid sitting in our go-to comfy places such as the couch or bed where we will lose productivity. A good chair will go a long way!     

Set Intentions  

No matter what kind of remote work you are currently doing, have a game plan. Every morning before work/school, or in the afternoon before logging off for the day, set intentions for the next work day. Productivity thrives in an organized environment. In setting a game plan, we can make a clear and conscious effort to stay on track with the work we want to complete. It also allows for not forgetting important tasks we need to address. Did you not finish a task today? Complete it first thing in the morning tomorrow to ensure the best quality and to not get distracted by new daily tasks. In setting intentions, we can also minimize changes to our schedules. Create a list of tasks in order of priority to ensure the most important tasks get finished on time. Put tasks of lower priority at the bottom of the list; for example, tasks without due dates.

Another tip when setting intentions is to use timers to ensure you aren’t going over the time allotted when working on tasks. When setting intentions for that day, I also put an allotted amount of time required to complete that project. This ensures great time management.      


Nothing is worse than seeing a deadline approaching for a project you haven’t even started yet. Scheduling is very important when working at home. When you are not around coworkers daily, or in an office where you may hear or see reminders, it may be easy for meetings, projects, and important dates to slip your mind. Also, staying on a consistent schedule as if you were working a traditional job may help you stay on track and maximize your productivity. Schedule breaks for yourself as well! It is important for yourself and your quality of work. If you are expecting to work a full eight hours without a break, your quality may begin to suffer.

If you’re feeling tired, or your brain isn’t at its peak, or if you are suffering from a quality dip, take a break! Refocus your energy. Make some coffee, go for a run, even do some stuff around the house during breaks to ensure maximum relaxation after work. You’d be surprised how many small tasks you can get done while taking small breaks. Scheduling breaks may also be a great time to throw something in the crock-pot for dinner time.       


Being organized offers less stress and more productivity. A clean office, organized space, and schedule can go a long way, especially when you’re responsible for creating your own schedule and deadlines. Implementing organization techniques can prevent forgetting and misplacing. We recommend utilizing organizational technology and apps to assist you. The following are free and great!      

  • One Drive- availability to share documents with co-workers.      
  • Google Calendar- track vacation days, meeting, deadlines and important dates.      
  • EverNote- have a great idea? Track it here. The same goes for to-do lists. Prevent information from slipping through the cracks.   

Invest in organizers. If you frequently print, have a separate folder for each category. A physical paper calendar may help for quick glances at upcoming projects as well. Being an organized worker, we can prevent the distractions of searching for files, looking for missing items, and trying to remember the last time you saw something you needed. Why stress more than you have to?      


Working at home is a great experience. We are provided immense flexibility and the freedom to stay home, or work anywhere we please with internet access. However, with great reward comes great responsibility. We are responsible for our own productivity and remaining consistent with the quality of work. This can be challenging when we are closely surrounded by of all of our comforts and our favorite distractions. Implement these changes into your daily routine and adjust as necessary.    

  • Know your distractions     
  • Create an office space      
  • Set intentions     
  • Manage your schedule      
  • Remain organized     

Student Discounts!

Where to Get Student Discounts: 

Being broke in college is never fun. Luckily, nowadays we can take the edge off of feeling like a broke college student. Student discounts are one of the best advantages of pursuing education. There is a great app called Unidays every college student should have on their phones. Unidays doesn’t just tell you what perks you can be taking advantage of, but it also gives you codes to use if you prefer shopping online (don’t we all). Being a college student doesn’t need to be any more difficult than it already is. We have enough stressors in the present moment without having to stress over our finances. So, let’s take the edge off! Make sure you always bring your student ID with you everywhere. Movies, restaurants, banks, grocery stores and retail stores are just a couple places where you can get discounts.

Being a college student myself, I know how hard it is. Classwork, jobs, family, friends, and hobbies? Who has time for ALL of those? Whether you’re stuck on which decision, which courses, or which path you’re going to take, I find that all of life’s decisions are a little easier to handle when you are not pinching pennies, you can eat a good meal and aren’t having to tell your friends you can’t go out because you can’t afford it. Saving a few bucks here and there really adds up and can definitely help to ease the mind during an already stressful time in our lives.


Let me tell you something… Headspace changed my life. I owe my newfound patience, easy going attitude, and my increased progress in being able to handle issues more calmly and rationally to my dedication to Headspace. Some of the benefits to being a Headspace user include, learn to stress less, focus more and be happier, prepare for exams, presentations and more with custom exercises and a personal guide to health and happiness right in your pocket. How could you resist?  

However, the most important part is it is usually a $95.88 per year membership. For students you get a whole year for $9.99. That’s nearly a $90 saving just for being a student. I’m telling you being a student is awesome sometimes! 


Yes, this already affordable store offers a student discount. Ask a cashier at your local Goodwill what they offer, because it varies from store to store. Some stores only offer it certain days of the week, others will just take off sales tax. Either way, this will make those hidden treasures even better. 


Half priced binge watching? Yes, please! $4.99 a month of Spotify Premium and get Hulu for free. When it comes to free time during school, don’t compromise entertainment — you don’t get a lot of it. This hands down is one of the best discounts I’ve seen in my student discount research. I can’t believe they even allow this! Take advantage of it. You never know when it will end.

 Here are some other streaming services that offer discounts: 

  • Apple Music 
  • Audible 
  • Fanatics 

Buffalo Wild Wings 

Buffalo Wild Wings is not only the place to be to watch the game, but they also offer a student discount. At participating locations, they offer a 10% off discount with your student ID. Here are some other restaurants that may offer 10% off your bill: 

  • Dairy Queen 
  • Waffle House 
  • Arby’s 
  • Burger King 

Don’t pay full price when you don’t have to. Take advantage of these discounts for your wardrobe, home decor, dinner and self-care. School may be hard, but saving money doesn’t have to be. 


Using your student ID, you can save 30% on documents and 20% on shipping services with FedEx Office. 


On Amazon, students can get free two-day shipping for six months, plus discounted Prime and other deals. 

Apple Store:

Apple offers education pricing for students, with up to $200 off a new Mac. Even students who have been accepted to college are eligible. 


The Sprint Discount Program is available through many colleges and universities. Just enter your school email address on Sprint’s website to find out if you’re eligible. 


Visit participating Subway locations to get 10% off your total purchase with a valid student ID. 

Burger King:

Use your valid student ID to get 10% off your Burger King purchase. 

Chick Fil a:

At many Chick-fil-A locations, you can get a free drink with your valid student ID. 


At select Kroger grocery stores, students can get a 5% discount on food. 

Firehouse Subs:

Does your school have a partnership with Firehouse Subs? Check in with your local sub shop to find out. You may get 10% off.

Waffle House:

Enjoy your coffee and waffles at a discount, thanks to Waffle House’s 10% off discount. 

Dairy Queen:

Visit your local Dairy Queen location to find out about special Student Meal Deals. 

Sweet Tomatoes:

Fill your plate with healthy salad buffet fare at Sweet Tomatoes for 10% off, available at many locations. 


Most Chipotle locations will offer a free drink with purchase when you show your student ID. 

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Back to School time is here!!

Back to school days are approaching! You’re probably excited to get your family back onto a routine and for a quiet cup of coffee alone in the morning again. 

However, back to school shopping can be a dreaded task that feels overwhelming for many parents. Luckily, there are options available where you can buy now and pay later and I am going to tell you exactly what these apps are. The apps I am about to tell you about split payments into 4, making your first payment at the time of purchase and the others every two weeks till paid in full.  

The apps I am talking about are Sezzle, AfterPay, Klarna, and QuadPay. Klarna and QuadPay can be used anywhere. Yep, you heard that right, anywhere.  

While I like the idea of anywhere, when I used Klarna it wouldn’t allow me to open another purchase which was odd as I only had one purchase made for $43 on the app. I know others who haven’t had any issues when using the Klarna app. I have heard of some people signing up for this app and it wouldn’t allow them to use it at all. Personally, I would use this app last just because of the experience I had and others have had with the app.  

Sezzle is amazing, this app I use most often. Merchants such as Etnies Shoes, Sparkle in Pink, Little Lilac, and many more accept Sezzle. This app is only accepted at certain merchants, and you can find a list of those merchants here.

AfterPay is just like Sezzle, an amazing app but only available at certain retailers. AfterPay can be used at retailers such as Sketchers, Freshly Picked, June & January, and many other wonderful stores for children and adults! You can see the list of retailers for AfterPay here.

QuadPay is an app like Klarna where you can use it anywhere. You have to sign up to be on their waiting list to be approved to spend anywhere, but I have been able to use that app anywhere with no issues like I had with the Klarna app. I did, however, have to be on the waiting list for 2 months before I was approved for a $300 credit limit to use anywhere with the app. QuadPay is also accepted at different retailers that anyone can use and you don’t need to sign up for the wait list. You can find a list of the QuadPay retailers here.

How it works: your order is split into 4 installments paid over 6 weeks. Your linked payment card will be charged in 4 installments over 6 weeks. This is an easy way to shop and get more without having to pay in full up front. It’s almost like layaway but the items ship immediately!

Organize your child’s closet. 

By taking inventory of your child’s closet before shopping, you can learn what they need for the upcoming school year. Once you have a better idea of what you’re needing for the upcoming school year, it’s time to browse! You can look at the retailers available on the apps listed above to see if any of the stores they offer will be useful for you! Grab your laptop or phone and take to the internet to see what the best deals are out there. Right now, several places are having their back to school sales and tax free weekends are among us in several different states. Take advantage of this while you can! You may even consider putting together a few different ideas for outfits for your child before deciding where you will be shopping for your back-to-school shopping. Planning outfits beforehand allows you to get more in touch with how many outfits your child has for the school year. Also, it will further enable you to make a note of the essential items he or she needs. 

Lose the things not being used.

While you’re looking through your child’s closet, take the time to throw out any pieces that don’t fit or have irreparable damage or stains. If they are still in good used condition take them down to your local goodwill or post them for sale on Mercari. If there are pieces in your child’s wardrobe that he or she hasn’t worn in the past year or so, you can also donate or sell those to clear out room for the new! By getting rid of items that you know they won’t wear in the new school year, you’ll have a better understanding of what you’re working with and what needs to be bought.  

Get ready for school days 

Getting yourself and your family into a routine when school begins can save strife and disorganization. Check out Pinterest for tips and tricks for getting a good routine on track, including meal prepping and outfit organization. In addition to DIY school supply crafts, you can also learn more about the essential back-to-school shopping list for clothes and how to utilize this list to ensure you’re ready for the first day of school.  

Don’t let the first day of the new school year stress you out, take a breath, and start off the school year organized and ready to go to ensure smoother mornings for yourself and your child. Get organized and start shopping today! 

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Making Friends Online Safely

Safety First. 

Welcome to the end of 2019 where most interactions are made online. We spend the majority of our time on the internet, so why not make friends there? If you’re not too invested in the web like the majority of us you may think making friends online is still as sketchy, scary, and unsafe as it was in the early 2000’s. Although not every situation is safe, making friends online has become the new normal and many millennials would shudder at the idea of making friends in person. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and friend matching sites such as Bumble have changed the way we interact forever. Typically, we aren’t looking for friends in bookstores, coffee shops, or local classes anymore. We are meeting in online chatrooms with people who share the same interests as we do as opposed to meeting in a class, we find pages we like on Instagram instead of saying “hey, cute outfit!’’ in person, and send DM’s instead of letters. We are a technologically advanced society now whose priorities have shifted, free time seems to diminish, and more and more of us are not wanting to leave our homes to make friends.

Fortunately, due to technology and social media we can still be socially active and make friends, if not more friends than before the rise of social media. Social media and friend finding platforms, can be scary at times. However, with the right level of awareness and safety, we are able to make friends clear across the world without having to travel, wait weeks for snail-mail, or leave our homes. Online friend connections are real and can still thrive just as any face-to-face friendship would. However, with this reward comes the responsibility of practicing safety while on the internet.  

Google is Your Friend: Just met someone awesome online? Do a little investigative work. Learn the difference between what poses as a fake account and what is legitimate. Odds are there will be childhood friends, dated photos, older postings. Was everything added in a weeks’ time? Red flag. Has this person been posting photos of themselves for a few years? More believable. Don’t feel guilty for image searching or Googling this person’s name. The internet can be scary and your safety comes above all else. Look for consistency across their channels, friends they’ve had for years, and photos that seem legitimate. You’d be surprised by the amount of information you can find just by doing a quick sweep through Google and their social media channels.

Have a Gut Feeling? Always follow your gut. The internet is a large, and sometimes scary place. There are plenty of friends to be made, so denying a couple of requests that you aren’t feeling great about won’t hurt anyone. Following intuition and instincts is something you’ll need to practice. Making friends online is great, but with that comes the lack of face-to-face interactions and being able to use our instinctual human qualities to decipher between what is truth and what is not. Not being able to watch someone’s facial expressions is a hard adjustment when speaking through monotone texts and DM’s. Pay attention to any negative feelings someone brings about within you.  

Let’s Start Making Friends! 

Friendships take time, trust, and nurturing to grow, and online friends are no exception. Just like making friends in person, you have to get out there and start somewhere. Making friends online can be a huge lifesaver to those who may live in rural areas, are new to cities, or have social anxiety. If the internet has taught us anything, it is that we can sit behind a screen and let our true selves shine. We can express our confidence, our creativity, and have a space to be ourselves.  

Find chatgroups of topics, hobbies, and things you are interested in. This can allow for the ice to break quicker when you can speak with like-minded individuals who share your hobbies and interests. Find people you’d want to be friends with, not just people to talk to because you are bored. Doing so will not result in friendship, just temporary conversations.  

If you’re looking to meet people in person but are wanting to use the internet as a gateway, start researching apps such as Meet-Up, Eventbrite, or Bumble to find local events! These are events that are put on by an organization and are usually conducted within a public environment. This is great for individuals who are skeptical about meeting strangers! These are events that are put on by an organization and are usually conducted within a public environment. These kinds of apps provide an environment to meet new friends in a public setting, and odds are you have a lot in common if you are attending the same event! 

If you have been speaking with someone for a while and are wanting to meet in person keep these tips in mind. 

Time: Have you been speaking for a substantial amount of time? If not, maybe wait a little longer. You want to know an individual, or at least their intentions, before opening that door to real-world meet-ups. Not everyone on the internet has bad intentions, but unfortunately, we have to look out for those who do. Time will show you a person’s true intentions! 

Location: We can’t stress enough that meeting in public is very important for your first meeting. Remember, you’ve only spoken with them online and everyone can put on a face. Meeting in public eliminates many risks and secures your safety!  

The internet is amazing! We definitely think so. However, it’s also a scary place. The rise of the internet has provided us all with opportunities to meet people we never would of met years back. We can go specifically find groups of people who are interested in the same things we are. We can find belonging, community, and friendship. Use these tips to help eliminate risk and safely meet friends online! 

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Get the Most Out of Your Mornings!

How to Get the Most Out of Your Mornings    

We get it, mornings are rough. We have the same passing thought of “how bad do I really need this check?” Mornings don’t have to be so dreadful. Developing habits and a morning routine has been proven to boost productivity. We are all different; therefore, it may take us each a different amount of time to find the perfect routine to fit our lives. However, the effort we put in will dictate how our mornings start to change and how different we begin to view mornings.

For those of us who work at home, it’s very difficult to create boundaries for yourself from being in “work mode” and “home mode.” There seems to be a fine line that can very easily be crossed. When we aren’t required to go into office it’s easy to stay in bed longer, stay in our pajamas, and not be as motivated to get up and be productive.

Prepare the night before  

A productive morning can begin the night before. Getting organized and ready for the day can take a lot of your time away in the morning. It can be helpful to start this process the night before. It doesn’t hurt to try to make your morning easier. Are there any tasks you can prep for after you complete your work day? You’d be surprised how a few small tasks can help you to be more productive for the following morning. Simple ideas could include laying out your clothes for the next day, prepping your desk and work areas, or making sure all of your devices are charged and ready to go. You’ll be happy you did in the morning!


Sleep and productivity go hand and hand. Let’s be honest, we all can feel the difference throughout the whole day from a bad sleep the night before. We struggle, we’re tired, and we have trouble concentrating. Sleep is key. We want to set ourselves up for success every day, however, when we get a rough night of sleep, or aren’t prioritizing sleep, we set ourselves up for failure and a huge struggle the next day. We can start by putting our phones out of arms reach. Our phones can be very distracting, as we all tend to pick up our devices if we aren’t able to sleep. Ever get lost for 2 hours on social media before bed? Us too, don’t worry. Slide your phone under your bed, put it in your night stand, or even leave it somewhere outside of the room. Out of sight, out of mind! We are much more likely to leave our phones alone if we have to get up from our comfortable beds to get it. Sleep gives us a fresh start every day, so let’s take advantage of it!

Give yourself time every morning 

We suggest you wake up early enough to have some time to yourself in the morning, but not so early that you feel like you are struggling the rest of the day. Just give yourself an extra 30 minutes each morning. The goal is to avoid waking up and having to get right to work, or grab your phone and begin checking emails. Give yourself that extra 30! Stretch, grab some coffee, sit outside! We want to set the tone for the day in order to be productive. We want to fuel our bodies in order to get the most out of ourselves to do our best every day. Moving in the morning will be a great start to your day and will help to wake up your body. Waking up your body will help with waking up your mind. Get some fresh air in the morning, or go for a walk. A little self-care never hurt anyone! 

Don’t procrastinate  

Dreading a task you have to do today? Do it now. Procrastination of our difficult projects can throw our whole day off. Don’t spend your whole day worrying about these difficult tasks you have to finish. It may seem a little crazy to do your most difficult task in the morning, especially if it’s a Monday morning! However, we can really get caught up, tired, distracted, or really anxious about difficult tasks we put off. So, the idea is to muscle through the difficult tasks so that it can be smooth sailing the rest of our work day. Many times, we lose momentum during our work day, so we want a fresh and clear mind when it comes to the high priority and time-sensitive tasks at hand. Producing good quality work is always a confidence boost.  

Mornings can be rough, unless you are one of those rare individuals who loves the early mornings. For the rest of us, however, developing a new morning routine when we are so set in our ways can take time, adjustment, and some commitment.  The payoff though, is worth it. Giving yourself time every morning to actually wake up, as opposed to grabbing your electronics and getting started with your day will show to be helpful in your overall productivity level. For those of us who work at home, get out of the house. Personally, days go by much slower when I sit at my desk all day. Take a break, go for a walk, swap out that breakfast burrito for some brain food and have a productive morning.  

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Understanding and Improving Our Credit.

Credit: Ways to improve and stay on top of your credit scores.

What is Credit?

Credit, what is it? We need it for everything, but how many of us understand how to obtain it, or even how it works? Credit is an important factor when it comes to making large purchases such as cars, homes, or even getting approved for apartments or smaller loans. There are several factors that go into the overall credit score an individual has. Credit is an equation with several factors and possible outcomes to come to a fluctuating score. The list of factors is as followed:

Mix of credit accounts- this makes up for 10% of your possible score and includes the variety of accounts to have. Cards, loans, homes, etc.

New credit accounts- another 10% of your credit is the amount of time between how often you are applying for accounts.

Length of credit history- 15% of your score is for the amount of time you’ve obtained certain loans.

Owed amounts- 30% is your total debt divided by your total credit limits.

History of payments- 35% this is where making on-time payments is important. The largest percentage comes from whether you are responsible in on-time payments.

Even though some factors carry much more weight than others, all are equally informant when you are just starting out with your credit, or are trying to repair it. You should work on each factor equally to gain success.

Can we raise our scores?

When we start our credit accounts or are a newbie to the world of credit, go slow! Going slow can really help with maintenance of scores in the beginning when you haven’t had the experience necessary to create a longstanding credit score. Don’t open too many accounts too quickly. Although we now have access to credit cards and loan offers, we can’t accept them all. We don’t want to look risky! We want to prove that we can have a couple solid accounts open and successful before we dive in deeper.

Another thing that is important to consider if we are trying re-establish our credit history is if we’ve had problems in the past which led to credit downfalls. No problem, however, because the good thing about credit is it can always go up! Only if you put the time and effort in, of course. Open new accounts slowly. Show that you are being responsible in your bill paying and show that you can successfully pay off debt.

Use free services to check your score! It doesn’t have to hurt your credit anymore to check your score. There are free services now which will assist and give advice based on your personal score and even give you a report card on how you’re doing! We’ll review these sites later in this blog.

We should also only be obtaining credit as needed. Do you really need that Macy’s credit card right now? No. Maybe when we are a little more established, but not right now. Let’s try getting a secured credit card, or a credit card with a lower limit first to help us re-build.

Good credit > No credit

We have to find our perfect credit mix based on what we need and what our credit limits are. We are all different and have different needs.

Free credit apps!

Credit Karma:

Credit Karma is hands down my favorite credit app. The tools to help manage your credit are free. The amount of access and information you receive on this site feels like you have a premium membership. You have credit monitoring available on this site which gives you real-time updates and notifications. This is especially helpful if a situation occurs when something unfamiliar to you shows on your credit; you can address it immediately. Suggestions, details, likelihood of approved credit, and recommendations are just a few features that makes Credit Karma outstanding.

Credit Sesame:

Credit Sesame we found to be another free credit score app for the most part. The monthly credit updates allow the big picture to be seen with ease. However, it doesn’t quite provide the same bells and whistles as Credit Karma. Although it lists key factors such as debt, balance, and accounts it is in fact limited.


We loved using mint! Functionality at its finest. Mint tracks spending habits and gives you a clear breakdown of where your money is going. Everything is organized and categorized for you to adjust spending habits as needed. Mint breaks down your spending into a pie chart which is easy to read and really puts into perspective how much unnecessary spending we are actually doing. This is the app you’d want to explore if you are ready to budget, set goals, and get your spending under control.

Experian Boost:

Experian boost is the newest credit monitoring product to date. It allows you the opportunity to track all of your utility bills in order to help raise your score and improve your payment history. Putting these bills into the equation of your credit score adds more factors and accounts into the total calculation which gives better chances of an increased score.

This is a great opportunity for those who may not have many factors involved with their credit, but pay plenty of bills regularly. Boost links to your checking account and tracks the routine and time of your bills each month to determine if you would be a responsible borrower based on your bill paying habits. This is a great way to bounce back your scores if you are rebuilding.

Experian Boost- Is it worth it?

I recently started with Experian Boost, and while I love the idea of the product it does have some kinks that need to be worked out. For example, I have paid all my bills for the month of June but the app is only showing my Sprint bill. Now you can go and report the transactions they missed so they can update the information, but it requires you to copy and paste information from your checking account to the app. Being that the product is tied to your bank account it would be a simpler process to be able to just mark which transactions are your electric, water, or telecom bill and submit instead of having to open up your online banking, find the transactions and copy the information required. With my Sprint bill alone my score went up 1 point. While that isn’t a lot, it will add up over time, and what have I got to lose?

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Working from Home Stay at Home Parents.

Stay at home moms, we all know one or you might be one. Earlier this year a survey was conducted by about the value of what a mother’s work would be worth by tracking the various jobs moms perform day to day. The median annual salary for stay at home moms in 2019 climbed up $15,620.00 (increasing 9.6% from 2018) making the total $178,201.00 per year for a stay at home mom.

Mothering is being considered a hybrid role that includes careers like academic advisor, laundry manager, senior janitor, staff nurse, and photographer. Sounds about right. The combination of roles equals an annual salary of $178,201.00! If only that salary could be a reality, right? It’s clear that SAHMs do an indispensable job. Deep down all stay-at-home moms know how important the job of being a mom is, even if it’s often thankless. It helps to know that we’re killing it when it comes to what kind of money we could making even if it will never be a reality.

In addition to stay-at-home-moms, stay-at-home-dads are on the rise also! More dads are staying home to care for their kids. The number of fathers who are stay-at-home dads has risen from 4% in 1989 to 7% in 2016 according to a study conducted by Pew Research Center. As a result, dads made up 17% of all stay-at-home parents in 2016, up from 10% in 1989. Woohoo go Dads! Among Millennials (those ages 20 to 35 in 2016), 6% of dads were at home with their kids while mom was in the office working. 3% of Gen X dads were at home with their kids when they were the same age.

Among stay-at-home dads, it’s becoming more common to be home specifically to care for your family. In 2016, 24% of stay-at-home dads reported that this was the main reason they were staying home. This number is up from just 4% in 1989. One in 5 United States moms and dads are stay at home parents.

Being a stay at home parent offers many pros and cons.

You’re always there for your children

  • Pro:  You will always be there when your child needs you.
  • Con: Always being there can sometimes make you feel like you’re trapped. You may love being a stay-at-home parent, but there will be times when you will want some me time.
  • Balance Tip: Your mental and physical health depends on getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and just plain relaxing. Try to find a good balance for yourself and your family.

You’re never alone

  • Pro: You’ll have more control over your family’s routine as a stay-at-home parent. You won’t have to worry about getting called in early to work or having to stay late to finish your work tasks. Your routine will tend to be the same from week to week as a stay-at-home parent.
  • Con: Routine can often get boring fast. Your days will be planned out so well that you can easily feel like you’re in a rut.
  • Balance Tip: You and your children can benefit by adding variety, such as visits to parks, museums, splash pads (in the summer), or spending time with nearby relatives or friends. If you don’t know where you can fit it in, look into streamlining your schedule.

You have a more consistent routine

  • Pro: Your children are with you every hour of the day. You’re there for everything—first steps, first words, first smile, etc.
  • Con: You never get a moment to yourself till your kiddos go to bed—you’re lucky if you can even escape to the bathroom alone.
  • Balance Tip: Even with your kids, you need to set some personal boundaries. It is okay to establish limits and let them know what they are.

You experience different stress levels

  • Pro: If you love every aspect of parenting your child and can even smile on the inside when your toddler is doing something they shouldn’t be. Your stress levels will probably be much lower than if you were having to raise your family while working outside the home.
  • Con: Kids can be more than a handful with whining, coloring your walls, fighting, and misbehavior.
  • Balance Tip: When you are feeling stressed, use stress-management practices such as breathing exercises, quiet time, or meditation. You can also teach these to your children so they learn to manage their stress levels at a young age. This will help them when they reach an age where stress starts to factor into their lives.

Stay at home parents benefit older kids also, not just the younger ones. Recently a study found that the benefits of having a parent staying home extended beyond the early years of a child’s life. During the study, the educational performance of 68,000 children was measured. They found an increase in school performance all the way to high school-aged children. The biggest educational impact in their research was found on children ages 6-7. According to Pew Research Center’s Social and Demographic Trends, 60 percent of Americans say a child is better off with at least one stay at home parent in the home. 35 percent said kids are just as well off with both parents working outside the home.

I am proud to be able to work for a company such as KarmaHub which offers me the stability of a career in a field I love. Working for KarmaHub has given myself and my husband the opportunity to see all our children’s firsts, go to school events, more family vacations, and we now spend more time as a family on a daily basis while working from the comfort of our own home.

At KarmaHub we offer everyone the opportunity to be able to work from home with flexibility so you don’t miss out on all the firsts or school events. A lot of companies don’t allow for children to be in the same room while they’re working but here at KarmaHub your children are allowed to be sitting right next to you as you’re doing your daily work. KarmaHub is expanding rapidly, helping stay at home parents be able to provide for their family while working in the comfort of their own home. We are now offering positions in the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, and France.

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Tips and Tricks to Minimize Work at Home Distractions

What Classifies as a Distraction?    

Working from home… awesome, right? We at KarmaHub think so too. However, being around all of your distractions can also be a creative streak’s worst nightmare. We aren’t even required to leave our bed. How awesome is that? Although, it’s probably best that we do. Working at home is a modern-day game changer for most individuals and companies. We are provided immense flexibility, we save big on transportation, as well as those morning coffee stops and lunchtime take out trips and we get to spend more time with our loved ones at home. These are huge benefits for a remote worker, but we are faced with all of our homey comforts. We never truly know our distractions until we are working remotely in our homes. Distractions take many forms and sometimes we aren’t aware of how great we are at finding them until we start to hit that post-lunch energy dip. We get it, work isn’t always exciting, nor does it get your adrenaline pumping. When we hit these slumps, it’s too easy to turn on the Television, work in bed and get comfy, or mindlessly scroll through social media. There are distractions that we cannot control. Many remote workers are in these positions because they are stay-at-home home moms and dads. This alone can present a whole new level of challenges to navigate through. Environments that are busy and loud make it difficult to focus even for the most dedicated, focused worker.      

We don’t expect all of your distractions to go away. However, we do want to help the remote community work effectively while still working comfortably.      

Creating a Home Office     

Whether you already work at home or are getting tips for future positions, our first tip is making the investment. Creating your own working space not only makes you still feel professional while working at home, but you must have immense willpower to work where you sleep. Making an investment doesn’t have to be expensive. Is there a corner in your home you can rearrange and create your own home office? Keep it simple. Visiting local secondhand shops can be an awesome alternative to investing in a brand-new desk. The idea is to create a simple, organized environment in order for you to work comfortably while minimizing distractions. If possible, try to find a room that isn’t a common living area where you will have a lot of traffic. Try finding a room with its own door, it will really help! In creating a home office, we wouldn’t recommend an uncomfortable chair. For example, try not to use a bar stool or uncomfortable kitchen chair. If you are willing to spend the extra dollar, spend it on a comfortable chair to give you support throughout the day. Remember, the intention is to try our best to avoid sitting in our go-to comfy places such as the couch or bed where we will lose productivity. A good chair will go a long way!    

 Set Intentions     

No matter what kind of remote work you are currently doing, have a game plan. Every morning before work, or in the afternoon before logging off for the day, set intentions for the next work day. Productivity thrives in an organized environment. In setting a game plan, we can make a clear and conscious effort to stay on track with the work we want to complete. It also allows for not forgetting important tasks we need to address. Did you not finish a task today? Complete it first thing in the morning tomorrow to ensure the best quality and to not get distracted by new daily tasks. In setting intentions, we can also minimize changes to our schedules. Create a list of tasks in order of priority to ensure the most important tasks get finished on time. Put tasks of lower priority at the bottom of the list: for example, tasks without due dates.       

 Another tip when setting intentions is to use timers to ensure you aren’t going over the time allotted when working on tasks. When setting intentions for that day, I also put an allotted amount of time required to complete that project. This ensures great time management.     


Nothing is worse than seeing a project deadline approaching for a project you haven’t even started yet. Scheduling is very important when working at home. When you are not around coworkers daily, or in an office where you may hear or see reminders, it may be easy for meetings, projects, and important dates to slip your mind. Also, staying on a consistent schedule as if you were working a traditional job may help you stay on track and maximize your productivity. Schedule breaks for yourself as well! It is important for yourself and your quality of work. If you are expecting to work a full eight hours without a break, your quality may begin to suffer.      

If you’re feeling tired, your creativity isn’t at its peak, or if you are suffering from a quality dip, take a break! Refocus your energy. Make some coffee, go for a run, even do some stuff around the house during breaks to ensure maximum relaxation after work. You’d be surprised how many small tasks you can get done while taking small breaks. Scheduling breaks may also be a great time to throw something in the crock-pot for dinner time.      


Being organized offers less stress and more productivity. A clean office, organized space, and schedule can go a long way, especially when you’re responsible for creating your own schedule and deadlines. Implementing organization techniques can prevent forgetting and misplacing. We recommend utilizing organizational technology and apps to assist you. The following are free and great!     

  • One Drive- availability to share documents with co-workers.    
  • Google Calendar- track vacation days, meeting, deadlines and important dates.    
  • EverNote- have a great idea? Track it here. The same goes for to-do lists. Prevent information from slipping through the cracks. 

Invest in organizers. If you frequently print, have a separate folder for each category. A physical paper calendar may help for quick glances at upcoming projects as well. Being an organized worker, we can prevent the distractions of searching for files, looking for missing items, and trying to remember the last time you saw something you needed. Why stress more than you have to?     

Ask for help     

Minimizing distractions can be much easier if we ask for help. Are you a stay at home parent with the kids while working? Talk with your spouse and discuss scheduling them to care for your children when you know you have meetings or important tasks.      

Asking for help also means speaking with co-workers or your boss if you are finding something work related especially distracting. Have several notifications pop up while trying to type? Communicate with your boss on if it is acceptable to silent notifications while working on difficult projects. Have a meeting? Ask your co-workers to put a pause on any unnecessary communication for an allotted time.     


Working at home is a great experience. We are provided immense flexibility and the freedom to stay home, or work anywhere we please with internet access. However, with great reward comes great responsibility. We are responsible for our own productivity and remaining consistent with the quality of work. This can be challenging when we are in the closely surrounded by all of our comforts and our favorite distractions. Implement these changes into your daily routine and adjust as necessary.    

  • Know your distractions    
  • Create an office space     
  • Set intentions    
  • Manage your schedule     
  • Remain organized    
  • Ask for help     

We hope you enjoy working at home as much as we do!